Upcoming Events

Jesus walked among and welcomed the wounded, confused, and lost people of his day. He also went out of his way to meet many that would otherwise never have known of his love. SILS 2024 will focus on how pastors, ministry leaders, and clinicians can reach further into the culture to help those too afraid to step forward on their own. We will learn about and experience how to create a culture of encounter in our homes, churches, offices, and communities. Barb Winters, one of the breakout speakers will speak on Care for the Parent Hurt by a Child’s Porn Use.

At the Southeast Homeschool Expo, Barb will talk on these topics:

  • Helping the Next Generation Navigate Healthy Relationships
  • Tackling Sensitive Conversations with Confidence
  • My Child Was Exposed to Pornography: Now What?
  • “I Didn’t Mean to Do That” – for Teens

At the Florida Christian Writers Conference, Barb will talk on the following topic:

  • Addressing Sensitive Topics in Your Writing and Speaking Without Alienating Your Audience