Preteen and Teen Books: A Guide for Finding Safe Reads

I ran into my friend Sofia Simpson at a homeschool conference. She was talking with parents about the young adult books she’s written and the need to help parents find safe books for their children. Book content can spark an unnecessary interest or trigger children who’ve been exposed to pornography and other sexual content, so I asked Sofia to help us figure out which books are healthy for our children to read. I’m so grateful for her wisdom, and I’m sure you’ll find her post insightful.

In today’s digital age, parents find themselves trying to protect their children from R and X-rated content in books. Because there is no rating system in place for books, parents have no way of knowing if graphic sex, foul language, and gory violence are in the books they find or allow their preteens and teens to read.

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Healthy Relationships in a Sexualized Culture

Our sexualized culture heavily influences the next generation. Whether they’re swiping through their social media feed, binging a show, reading a book, or hanging out with peers, there’s no escaping messages that steer them away from healthy relationships and towards unhealthy paths.

Parents try to counter cultural expectations, explaining why the latest greatest isn’t the best option. We’re on the defense. A friend persuades our child to install Snapchat. Swat. “Snapchat’s bad.” An influencer talks up an OnlyFans account. Whack. “Don’t show your stuff to strangers.” A partner says everyone’s doing it. Smack. “That’s not true. You’ll be sorry.”

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