Porn Addiction Consequences from One Who’s Been There

Porn Addiction Consequences banner with dominos

I’m grateful to introduce you to Cody Moen. Cody’s story, his childhood and how his porn addiction affected his life, is touching. I love his descriptions, his authenticity and his desire to help parents and trusted adults understand the importance of talking about healthy relationships with their children. Be sure to read to the end for a resource he is passionate about.

I wish…

It’s a common phrase filled with all sorts of meaning depending on the context. Sometimes it’s said wistfully, wishing you were at the beach instead of the office. Other times in anger as someone cuts you off in traffic, wishing you could exact righteous wrath. In some cases, it’s said in sorrow and grief. In my case, it’s the latter circumstance that I say, “I wish…”

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Sound of Freedom

Sound of Freedom movie image

Sound of Freedom, the movie that packed theaters and reached number one at the box office quickly, is getting a lot of publicity. But the message of the movie is debated. Is it good or bad? Is it positive or negative? Does it help or harm the anti-human trafficking industry? Great questions, but not easily answered, in my opinion.

As with most topics, we can’t peg Sound of Freedom as all good or all bad. I believe those of us in the anti-human trafficking space critiqued the details of the movie more than the average American because of our knowledge on the subject.

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