Opening My Eyes to the Realities of Sex Trafficking

January is Human Trafficking Awareness month. I met Jessica Brodie last fall and learned of her passion to educate others about the sex trafficking issue plaguing our society. Jessica offers insight and wisdom to us in her post.

Like many people, I used to make a lot of assumptions about sex trafficking—I assumed it only happened in “those” neighborhoods or to “those” kinds of kids—girls who didn’t know better, or whose moms were in the sex industry. I assumed the girls knew what they were getting into and simply made a choice—a bad one, but one they made with eyes wide open.

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Calling for Corporate Change to Protect Kids Online

I recently talked with Dawn Hawkins, the CEO of National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE). She and her staff work diligently for child safety by exposing the links between all forms of sexual abuse and sexual exploitation. (Be sure to read her impressive bio.) I admire her determination and passion and agreed to help NCOSE however I can. To that end, I asked Dawn to update us on their recent doings and give us advice on what we can do to keep our children safe online.

With the advent of smartphones, most kids carry around amazing technology in their pockets all the time. While this allows for communication with family and friends, constant access to the internet also means predators have unprecedented access to groom and exploit children.

Parents are Overwhelmed!

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Not My Kid – Online Safety

Jen Hoey Not My Kid Online Safety computer

It’s a privilege to have Jen Hoey of Not My Kid here to talk with us about protecting children online. This is an appropriate topic as we head into the holiday season. If you are contemplating purchasing a device for your child for Christmas, pay special attention to Jen’s suggestions and read to the end for my recommendations on a first phone and filters.

I did not for a moment think something like this could ever happen to my child. But it did, despite my vigilance.” This is the opening paragraph of the book I wrote about my daughter’s experience with an online predator. This event changed the trajectory of my life and was the catalyst for me getting involved in the prevention of online child exploitation by empowering parents through education as a Cyber Safety Parent Consultant. 

The issue of online safety raises many responses from parents, but the most frequent I hear is “not my kid” or “my child will be left out.

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Porn Fuels Human Trafficking

In recognition of Human Trafficking Awareness Month, let’s look at the link between pornography and human trafficking.

Porn fuels human trafficking and human trafficking fuels porn. Let’s explore this statement.

Human trafficking is modern day slavery. It’s buying and selling humans. It’s objectification. Traffickers turn people into products or commodities—not just in countries “over there,” but in the states also!

Right now, TODAY, people—men, women, and children—are illegally traded. They are recruited, controlled and used through deception, force, and coercion.  You may be thinking: How is this possible? And Why should I care? Before I answer these questions, let’s look at some facts.

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