Benefits of Parenting with Gratitude

“The root of joy is gratefulness… It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.” ― Brother David Steindl-Rast[i]

Parenting is fulfilling. But it’s also relentless, scary, and full of disappointments. Days are long. Tasks are repetitive. Problems are nonstop. If we’re not careful, months pass without a pleasant thought, and our mental health spirals. Add a child who makes unhealthy choices, and we can collapse into a trance-like state pretty quickly. We squash our lofty goals into one: simply making it through each day.

Several years ago, I read One Thousand Gifts. I learned the power of thankfulness. On a dare, the author, Ann Voskamp, began a Gift List. Not of gifts she wanted, but of gifts she already had. And it transformed her life. She learned that deep joy is “found at the table of thanksgiving.”[ii] Over time, Voskamp wrote one thousand gifts she saw or experienced, and joy replaced despair.

With the Month of Gratitude at hand, let’s explore how we can demonstrate a thankful attitude, even during the sometimes difficult task of parenting. Then we’ll explore benefits of parenting with gratitude.

Tips to an Attitude of Gratitude

Observe – I’m learning to lift my eyes and look around. To peek over problems and look beyond the immediate issue. When my printer breaks down, I’m thankful to own a printer. When I’m interrupted for the fourteenth time, I’m grateful for family, friends, and colleagues who think of me. And when my child falters or hurts, I thank God for their life and my availability.

Shift Perspective – Photography makes me happy. When I look through the lens, I’m forced to see the world from a different angle. Where is the best lighting? What if I crouch or stand on my toes? How does that change my perspective and help me understand the subject matter better? My favorite photos show a deeper story, capturing more than what’s apparent. Searching for the perfect photo compels me to find beauty in the midst of ugliness. We can do the same in any situation. Rather than focusing on the glaring ugliness, we can search for the beauty in our circumstances.

When overwhelmed, we can remember a time when we were content or create a list of things we appreciate. House, food, clothing, job, etc. This reminds us that not every little thing is doom and gloom.

Examine Details – Sometimes we have to search for a small detail – something minute – to ignite our thankfulness. When the baby cries for hours, we’re grateful she has lungs that work and a way to communicate. When a teen complains, we remind ourselves of one positive characteristic he possesses.

Pause to Thank – When we notice our emotions are unstable, we can intentionally pause and take a moment to reflect on what we appreciate. Refer to that list I talked about in “Shift Perspective.” I consistently thank God for what He’s allowed in my life and what He’s teaching me through my trials.

Embrace Grace – Fear, worry, and anxiety rob us of joy. Offering grace to ourselves and those around us chases these away. When we choose forgiveness and drop control, we become more gracious and thankful. And we are more joyful.

parenting with gratitude quote Barb Winters

Benefits of Parenting with Gratitude

Healthier Relationships – When we search for personality traits in others that we appreciate and maintain a grace-filled attitude, our relationships are strengthened. We approach situations with a calmer presence which decreases tension in a conflict. This is especially helpful on those parenting days we feel unseen, unheard, and unappreciated.

Improved Mental Health – When we are thankful, we are less stressed, less anxious, and less likely to be depressed. We are happier.

Improved Physical Health – When we are grateful, we sleep better and have better immune systems. We get sick less often and are more active.

Increased Productivity – When we see the positive around us, our spirits are lifted. Therefore, we are more productive.

An Infectious Attitude – Attitudes that reflect joyfulness and gratefulness are contagious. My husband noticed my thankful attitude and the residual effects. He now pauses and expresses gratitude during trying moments more often than he had. When we are parenting with gratitude, expressing thankfulness either outwardly or inwardly, our children notice. And whether they realize it or not, our disposition rubs off on them.

Gratefulness is contagious. Our children catch it. #parentingwithgratitude #thankfulness #hopefulmom #healthyrelationships Benefits of Parenting with Gratitude Share on X

Parenting can be depressing if we allow it. But raising children also has rewards. We can pause and ponder the personality traits in our children that make them special and choose to reflect on their behaviors that fill us with gladness. We can contemplate past interactions that made us smile. Then broaden our list by examining our surroundings and thanking God for our possessions. We can meditate on the people in our life and how each positively influences us. Let’s continue our list throughout the day and into tomorrow and next week. And reap the benefits.

I’m excited to announce that the audio version of Sexpectations: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Healthy Relationships is on sale at audiobooks. Use this link before 12/1/24 for 60% OFF. . . . While Christmas shopping, check out the family games suggestions on this page, and pick up a copy of Sexpectations for a mom you know.

[i] Goodreads. (n.d.). A quote by David Steindl-Rast. Goodreads.

[ii] Voskamp, A. (2010). One Thousand gifts: A dare to live fully right where you are. Zondervan.

7 Back to School Preparations for Teens

I love walking into a store and seeing school supplies front and center, just waiting for excited children and (maybe-not-as-excited) parents to snag discounted items. If my inner-organizing-self had it her way, she’d rush to the notebooks and Post-it notes and pile them in her cart. But, alas, my children are grown, and notebooks on my shelf still await usage.

Continue reading “7 Back to School Preparations for Teens”

Missed Messages: Lies & Truth About Sex

Lori Kuykendall Truth About Sex Missed Messages

I’m thrilled to introduce my friend Lori Kuykendall. Lori has 30 years of experience in community health education, focused on working with schools and sex education curriculum and policy.  She has a wealth of knowledge and loves sharing with parents. She’s here to share about the messages our children receive and how we can help them understand the truth about sex.

Today’s youth are living in an over-sexualized culture. Sexual images and pressure and misinformation come at them from all sides. Pornography is pervasive and is often called “the new sex education.” What they see and hear about sex can’t not have an impact on what they do with sex. As parents, we have the great challenge of helping them navigate through the cultural “garbage,” to know what is true and what is not, and to have the skills and support needed to live by truth. We need to be intentional to impart in relevant and receivable ways the truths they need to put into practice and stand strong through the storms of life.

Continue reading “Missed Messages: Lies & Truth About Sex”

Friend or Fan? Dawg or Dog? Which Are You?

I met Ken Anderson a few months ago and instantly knew he was a good guy and would be a great friend—one like he describes in this post. He has a heart for college students who struggle with pornography and has a fabulous program to help them. In this post, Ken helps us parents understand the difference between a dawg (true friend) and a dog (more of a fan). As parents, we want to lean toward being a true friend to our children, rather than a fan. Great words of wisdom.

Pepper is her name and pooping anywhere other than outside is her game. At least that’s been the case lately. I love our 4-year-old pit mix. I, and I alone. (My wife Liz is pretty much out on her.) She’s spunky, cute, funny, and always down to cuddle while I’m watching a show or reading a good book. (I’m still talking about Pepper, just to clarify; although, many of these adjectives also describe Liz). But, she’s also a good ol’ fashioned stinker. She steals food when we aren’t looking, sneaks in licks of our toddler whenever she can (he hates it, and screams), and mischievously takes off with any and all items that aren’t hers and chews them up without any regard for the owner of said item. 

Continue reading “Friend or Fan? Dawg or Dog? Which Are You?”

Ripple Effects of a Child’s Porn Use on Parents

“When my son’s indiscretions surfaced, I felt like I’d been punched in the gut and then kicked while down. I was unknowingly in a war zone, and when the bomb exploded, I was hit. The fallout of his conduct landed on me.”[i]

If you’re a parent, grandparent, or sibling of a child who watches (or watched) pornography, you’re likely hurt, sad, and/or mad. You may experience shame and guilt as well. That’s understandable.

Ripple effects of youth who watch pornography extend to those close by.

Continue reading “Ripple Effects of a Child’s Porn Use on Parents”

Kids Judge Their Bodies – Part I

our bodies Linda Stewart

My friend Linda Stewart is our guest for this post. She talks with us about how kids (and, let’s face it, us too) judge themselves based on their bodies. I learned some things in this post, and I hope you do, too! Linda co-wrote Before the Sex Talk: A Theology of the Body Approach for Parents and Mentors and is a board member of Sexual Integrity Leaders. (I’m speaking at their summit in May 2024. I highly recommend attending!)

We’ve learned to judge ourselves and our bodies. Messages that our value is based on our physical appearance seem to circulate in the air around us! We’ve also learned to judge others the same way, and we tend to pass what we’ve learned down to our kids, even if we don’t mean to. How can we stop passing these messages onto our children and replace the damaging thoughts that shape our and our kids’ self-assessments?

Continue reading “Kids Judge Their Bodies – Part I”

Kids, Let’s Talk About Sex, Part 2

Ashley Jameson of Pure Desire Ministries continues her discussion with us. Thanks, Ashley, for helping us talk about the brain, the body, and healthy boundaries.

Last time we talked about creating a culture of grace in our homes through being vulnerable and sharing our stories with our kids. It’s not always easy to create an environment where our kids know it’s safe to talk with us about anything! We so badly want our kids not to struggle. Here are a few things that helped me change the atmosphere in my house which allowed my kids to feel safer to come to me with their questions. 

Continue reading “Kids, Let’s Talk About Sex, Part 2”

Planning for the Holiday Break

holiday break planning banner

Your kids have two weeks off for the holiday break and you’re worried. What will they do? How will they spend their time? Will everyone get along? And, will they stay out of trouble?

Long breaks are bittersweet. We love the extra time with our children, but the lack of routine can make for difficult days. So, before school lets out and families gather, make some plans. Plan how your children will spend their days, and plan to protect their devices.

Continue reading “Planning for the Holiday Break”

Thank You

My 26-year-old had an issue but is doing well now . . .

My son wrote me a long letter explaining his predicament . . .

A family in our congregation is dealing with this right now . . .

My 31-year-old has had problems. I’m not sure how he’s doing . . .

I just found out my college-aged daughter . . .

I’m raising my grandson who deals with this problem . . .

I heard these comments while attending a conference recently. Some wanted to talk further about the issues their child had or has had with pornography. Some simply mentioned their struggle in passing. A few have children who now walk in freedom from their habit. A few are still in the midst. But all these parents and grandparents followed their initial statement with, “Thank you.”

Continue reading “Thank You”