Peer Pressure and Finding Your People

“But all my friends are doing it. . . You don’t understand what today’s culture is like. . . . My friends will be mad if I don’t participate.”

A force parents combat is peer pressure. “Peer pressure is real, and perception is reality. . . The pressure students experience in middle school, high school, and college is colossal and burdensome. They endure ridicule and face being an outcast if they dress incorrectly, don’t respond to texts in a timely manner, or use an improper filter on their social media photos.” (Sexpectations: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Healthy Relationships, p. 40)

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Are Our Children Targeted Online?

children targeted

When I started Hopeful Mom four years ago, my goal was to wrap my virtual arms around other parents who were hurting because their child had been exposed to pornography. I focused on the parent’s internal struggles and emotional healing. These are still priorities; however, Hopeful Mom has expanded. Education (for ourselves and our children) and communication (with each other and with our children) about pornography and other online dangers are imperative.

We should learn about all things online because they are interconnected. One feeds into another. A child exposed to porn is more susceptible to predators, peer pressure, and esteem issues that lead to worry, anxiety, and depression.

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