“I was first introduced to online sexting with strangers when I was 12 years old through an online video game on my computer.” Austin Couture, now 29, eventually developed an addiction. “I could not stop seeking out pornography and women to chat with online or the obsessive and compulsive masturbation that always went along with it. At one of my lowest points, I felt isolated, alone, confused, faulty and irreparably broken. I believed that I was an emotionless, guilt-ridden zombie that was forever cursed to live in despair with these sexual secrets.”[1] Austin and I met at a Sexual Integrity Leadership Summit and connected further when I was a guest on his podcast. I asked Austin to give us some insight from his perspective on addiction, talking, and using an internet filter. He had the following advice:
Continue reading “A Millennial Talks About Internet Filters, Pornography, and Addiction”Two Powerful Words
“I’m sorry.”
Ten minutes before, my mom mode soared into overdrive. My right eyebrow raised, my hip cocked, and my finger wagged. “I can’t believe you did that. You know better. I’ve told you about the dangers over and over.” I raised my voice and started in on a five-minute lecture.
Continue reading “Two Powerful Words”Reflections of 2023
New year! New beginnings! And reflections on the past.
First, a huge welcome to those of you who found Hopeful Mom in 2023. We had a surge of new followers last year, and I’m grateful you are here.
When Hopeful Mom began in 2018, I didn’t comprehend the impact it would have. I continue to receive personal emails from parents explaining their situation and thanking me for creating a space where they can talk about their struggles.
You are the reason Hopeful Mom still exists.
Continue reading “Reflections of 2023”Kids, Let’s Talk About Sex, Part 2
Ashley Jameson of Pure Desire Ministries continues her discussion with us. Thanks, Ashley, for helping us talk about the brain, the body, and healthy boundaries.
Last time we talked about creating a culture of grace in our homes through being vulnerable and sharing our stories with our kids. It’s not always easy to create an environment where our kids know it’s safe to talk with us about anything! We so badly want our kids not to struggle. Here are a few things that helped me change the atmosphere in my house which allowed my kids to feel safer to come to me with their questions.
Continue reading “Kids, Let’s Talk About Sex, Part 2”Planning for the Holiday Break
Your kids have two weeks off for the holiday break and you’re worried. What will they do? How will they spend their time? Will everyone get along? And, will they stay out of trouble?
Long breaks are bittersweet. We love the extra time with our children, but the lack of routine can make for difficult days. So, before school lets out and families gather, make some plans. Plan how your children will spend their days, and plan to protect their devices.
Continue reading “Planning for the Holiday Break”Kids, Let’s Talk About Sex, Part 1
I’m excited to have Ashley Jameson of Pure Desire Ministries with us again. She has some practical advice for us on how to talk about sex with our children. This is part one in a two-part series.
As the mother of four kids, I recognize the fear and hesitation that exists when talking with your kids about sex. But here’s the truth: one way or another, your kids WILL learn about sex. The question to ask yourself is, “From where, or what, do you want them to learn?”
Continue reading “Kids, Let’s Talk About Sex, Part 1”Judy Blume Answered Our Questions, Google Answers Theirs
“We must—we must—we must increase our bust!” I grew up reading Judy Blume books. This line from Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret is part of my permanent memory. In the book, Margaret learned a lot about herself and hit puberty in the span of 192 pages. She and her friends were determined to look like the girls they saw in Playboy. They vow to do exercises to increase their bust size while chanting this memorable mantra. Throughout the book they each acquire bras and come of age by finally getting their period.
I learned a lot from Judy Blume while coming of age myself.
Continue reading “Judy Blume Answered Our Questions, Google Answers Theirs”Porn Addiction Consequences from One Who’s Been There
I’m grateful to introduce you to Cody Moen. Cody’s story, his childhood and how his porn addiction affected his life, is touching. I love his descriptions, his authenticity and his desire to help parents and trusted adults understand the importance of talking about healthy relationships with their children. Be sure to read to the end for a resource he is passionate about.
I wish…
It’s a common phrase filled with all sorts of meaning depending on the context. Sometimes it’s said wistfully, wishing you were at the beach instead of the office. Other times in anger as someone cuts you off in traffic, wishing you could exact righteous wrath. In some cases, it’s said in sorrow and grief. In my case, it’s the latter circumstance that I say, “I wish…”
Continue reading “Porn Addiction Consequences from One Who’s Been There”Scrolling by Example
I met Ashley Jameson at the Sexual Integrity Leadership Summit a few months ago. She’s energetic and passionate about helping spouses through her role at Pure Desire Ministries and at her church. She’s making an impact. I asked Ashley what advice she has for parents and she sent this post on healthy phone use, first published here. I love her authenticity and desire to pass on some words of wisdom to other parents.
I have a secret hiding place, between my fridge and cabinet, where I can sneak on my phone and not be seen by my kids or husband. You may be asking yourself, “Why does this grown woman to hide from her husband and kids?”
Continue reading “Scrolling by Example”Sexpectations Book Launch Day and Hopeful Mom’s Birthday
Cue the confetti. Sound the trumpets. Let’s celebrate!
Hopeful Mom is 5 years old.
This is the 100th blog post.
AND . . . Sexpectations: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Healthy Relationships releases today.
That’s enough to get up and dance.
When I started Hopeful Mom (originally called Difficult Conversations) five years ago, I didn’t know the impact it would have. All I knew was that I had a burden for other parents struggling with pornography in their home and couldn’t stay silent any longer. I wrote under a pen name for two years.
In August 2020, my family gave me permission to use my given name and Hopeful Mom gained traction. In October of that year, I attended a writers conference and, through the conference, landed an agent. In November 2021, I signed a book contract with Leafwood Publisher and . . .
Continue reading “Sexpectations Book Launch Day and Hopeful Mom’s Birthday”