International Women’s Day is in March. To be honest, I didn’t know that was a thing until recently. I received an email from Defend Young Minds, an organization devoted to developing tools to help raise screen-smart kids, saying they “wanted to recognize the amazing women leading the charge in child safety, advocacy, and education.” They listed me as one of the 20 Inspiring Women Dedicated to Making Life Safer for Kids. They thanked me for the impact I’m making in this space.
My jaw hit the floor. Really. Because, while I know Kristen Jenson, Best Seller Good Pictures, Bad Pictures and Founder of Defend Young Minds, her influence is far, far (far!) greater than mine. And when I read the list of women, I saw pioneers who paved the way for people like me. They lead the charge against big corporations. They fly to Washington DC to lobby for our children’s safety. They make a difference!
I hadn’t thought of myself as one of those women. One dedicated to making life safer for kids.
But I am.
And so are you.
Okay, I know men are here, too. But if you’ve taken the time to read an article, purchase a book, soak up information, and then have just one conversation with a child, grandchild, neighbor, or friend, you’re doing it! You’re making a difference. If you added a Wi-Fi filter, monitored screen time, or used parental controls, you’re making a difference. Yes, you!
Just a Mom
Most of you know my story. I’m just a mom. A mom who found out her son had been watching pornography. A mom who didn’t know her child could or would access such things. A mom devastated, guilt-ridden, ashamed. Then, from love, this mom resolved to help her son.
We walked through the recovery process together. His determination and faith coupled with my encouragement and reassurance—and a host of others praying and supporting. Not easy. Not short. But effective. Freedom.
And, in the midst, a still small voice said, “Tell others. Be available to other moms. To hurting parents. Tell them they are not alone.” So I did. And I do. That’s all.

The Real Success Story
The real success story is you. You are the one making a difference. Your hard work and dedication to keeping your children safe is an inspiration. To me.
I can’t tell you how often your stories motivate me. How your willingness to get in the trenches with your children melts my heart.
Parenting is full of ups and downs. So many times, we think we failed. We know we failed. We see the scrapes and bruises, the wrong choices and repercussions. And we ache. We talk, beg, and plead. We cry out to God. Then we loosen the grip we’ve had on the precious child we once cradled in our arms. Sometimes they wallow in their unhealthy choices. And sometimes . . . they see the destructive path they’re walking, turn, and choose a healthier route. And we rejoice.
And when we are on this journey, we should rejoice, often, over both small and large decisions. That awkward first conversation in which all blushed and stammered. That first major decision to delete social media. The instance in which our child confessed to slipping. When we held the line after their instinctive nature emerged once again. And, of course, when they held fast to their goals, resisting their urges.
Today, I celebrate you. A mom. A dad. A grandparent. A community leader. A pastor. An influencer over youth. You are my inspiration. The reason I keep talking.
I’m patting you on the back for your desire to keep children safe and your diligence in researching, talking, and changing the climate. One small decision at a time. May this inspire you to keep talking!
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About the author
Barb Winters is the author of Sexpectations: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Healthy Relationships and founder of Hopeful Mom. She’s a certified mental health coach and offers one-on-one consultations for parents. For more about Barb, click "About" in the menu.