Calling for Corporate Change to Protect Kids Online

I recently talked with Dawn Hawkins, the CEO of National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE). She and her staff work diligently for child safety by exposing the links between all forms of sexual abuse and sexual exploitation. (Be sure to read her impressive bio.) I admire her determination and passion and agreed to help NCOSE however I can. To that end, I asked Dawn to update us on their recent doings and give us advice on what we can do to keep our children safe online.

With the advent of smartphones, most kids carry around amazing technology in their pockets all the time. While this allows for communication with family and friends, constant access to the internet also means predators have unprecedented access to groom and exploit children.

Parents are Overwhelmed!

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Tips to Keep Your Teens Safe From Online Sexual Exploitation and Harassment

teen VR online gaming

Jenna Greenspoon of Kidas is here this month to talk with us about keeping our kids safe while they are gaming online. Since January is Human Trafficking Awareness month, it’s the perfect time to explore the dangers of sexual exploitation and harassment while gaming.

Children spend hours and hours online daily for both educational and non-educational purposes. You have likely seen this in your own home or read about it. Many parents worry about what their children are exposed to during their time online engaging in a hobby, such as gaming, and how they can prevent sexual exploitation and harassment from happening. They want to protect their children.

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I Get Overwhelmed

holding hands to capture longings being fulfilled

I attended the 2020 Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Online Global Summit (that’s a mouthful!) last week with 15,000 (Yep!) other attendees. It was eye-opening. I listened to representatives from Covenant Eyes, Protect Young Minds, Fight the New Drug, and Reach 10. I sat through presentations entitled “From Problems to Program: Engaging Parents to Protect Their Kids from the Harms of Pornography,” “Our Kids Online: Porn, Predators, and How to Keep Them Safe,” and “Responding to the Unseen Victims of Sexual Exploitation.” I felt uplifted and ready to fight one moment, only to feel overwhelmed, daunted and ready to hide my head in the sand the next moment.

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