My son, your son’s friend, has a problem with porn.
None of these statements roll off the tongue. They are not proclamations I want to say out loud . . . ever . . . to anybody. Continue reading “Who Can I Tell?”
Parenting is a big deal. I mean a BIG DEAL! I cannot boast about always handling this role well. I didn’t want to be a parent to begin with. But I am so grateful to be a mom, and I take it seriously. I try to learn from my mistakes, and I think I have grown (dare I say matured) into the position.
My son that deals with porn addiction is not my oldest child; so, while I would say the day he confessed to watching porn is the worst parent-day of my life, I am grateful that before that day I had a few not-so-pleasant mom-moments under my belt. Otherwise I may not have handled the situation as gracefully as I did. Continue reading “Parenting Is A Big Deal”
The day I learned my son was watching porn, my husband and I were finishing a walk. We had recently moved to a new home and were enjoying the pleasant weather. As we rounded the corner and prepared to cross the busy street to return home, we saw our 14-year-old son standing in our front yard, crying hysterically, jumping up and down, and motioning to us. That moment is etched in my mind, a pivotal moment–the moment my mom-life changed. As my husband and I waited for the traffic to let up so we could cross the street, many thoughts swarmed through our minds. What happened? Was his 12-year old-sister lying in a pool of blood? Had someone broken into our house? Why was he standing there screaming uncontrollably?Continue reading “Gag Me: My Son’s Watching Porn”